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Small Business 

We help investors to value small neighbourhood businesses, from your local restaurant to plumber business and more.



Valuations Conducted


Combined Enterprise Value


Different Industries


Years of Experience


Customer Satisfaction


Our Valuation Service

We provide independent valuation services to buyers and sellers of small businesses for strategic purposes. We have expertise in valuing a multitude of businesses in different industries from F&B such as your local restaurant or bar, to mechanics, plumbing businesses and more. Specialising in small businesses enables us to charge a fraction of other valuation specialists.

Your Trusted Partner in Business Valuations

Our valuations are compliant with accounting standards and incorporate the latest accounting fair value guidelines. With our fair value conclusions, we help your strategic decision making for the assets of your interest.



We capitalize on years of experience in fair valuing alternative investments in accordance with best practice appliance of IFRS 13 and ASC 820 


Expert Guidance

Forecast Data provides independent and transparent valuation services free from conflicts of interest.


Commitment to Security

We value integrity, and each member of the Forecast Data team is committed to the highest ethical principles in service of our clients

See if Forecast Data is right for you

Get an introduction call with us to explore if our team can help you with your valuation needs. 


Cheaper than hiring other consultants


Faster than hiring inhouse


Flexibility - scale up an down
depending on your needs


per valuation

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free intro call

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  • How can our valuations be 85% cheaper?
    The big valuation consultants provide package valuations to big investors with vast information rights. This results in the consultants putting together in-depth granular analyses, which can be approximated with equally accurate and less time consuming valuation analyses. Also, these consultants often include additional services such as audit support and the like. By focusing on lean but accounting regulation compliant valuation models without many bells and whistles, we can provide price competitive valuation anlyses.
  • What valuation methodologies do you use?
    There are a multitude of valuation methodologies, most of which are limited by the available data to be fed into these models. With the often limited data that smaller and co-investors are confined by, we often are able to utilize calibrated and non-calibrated trading comparables and transaction comparables. The income approach is often dismissed due to a lack of data availability. Back-solve Option-pricing-models (OPM) are also often not used due to limited visibility of the rights & preferences of all share classes. However, if sufficient data is available, all methodologies can be utilised.
  • How long do you need for a valuation?
    From the moment we have received all critical information, it usually takes us two weeks to turn a valuation around.
  • Do you do revisions?
    Yes we do. But we limit it to maximum 2 revisions per engagement. Further revisions are possible for an additional fee, which will not exceed the initial fee.
  • Do you value equity and debt?
    We value equity in form of preferred and common equity, this is our speciality and where we can charge low cost. We also value special situation debt investments, whose price matches the complexity of the investments.
  • How do I know ForecastData is right for me?
    If you a PE/VC syndicate with limited information rights, as you usually co-invest along side other investors - then ForecastData is right for you. We help you to mark your investments at fair value, which beats marking to cost: fair value is accounting compliant, it helps with your asset allocation and more accurate performance based compensation.

FAQ for Valuations

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